The Leadership Training Program is organized by the school management in partnership with Citizenship and Leadership Training Center. SS2 students, at the end of the session in July go for a 10-day leadership training course which is aimed at teaching the students about leadership, practical and independent living; as well as partake in some physical training. The aim of the program is to give the students a higher sense of responsibility and make them ready for life after secondary school where important decisions that affect their futures would be made.
The Service Project is a three-week long program carried out by SS1 students at the end of the session, during their summer holiday. Students are posted to various charity homes to work from home daily in this period, with a report given to the school at the end of their posting. They are given tasks such as teaching the children mathematics and languages in orphanages or ensuring proper sanitation in sick homes. The aim of this program is to lend support to charity organizations, build the virtue of community service in the students and expose them to the realities of poverty and lack of privileges in the society.
Community service is an essential part of the school program. It is aimed at helping the people of the local community. On the first Saturday of each month, our students go to the Holy Ghost Haven for Retired Priests to help them. Other forms of service include visiting orphanages and sanitation.
Sports is promoted in the school. Every year, inter-school games are held, in which prizes are given out. Inter-house sports are held every year too, and all these are arranged in a manner that they do not interfere with academic work. Facilities and equipment are provided to the students through the sports master.
Social events are organized for the students once a month. Events include independence day, children's day and birthday parties, which students born in a particular month hold their party. Students are allowed to bring only two set of mufti clothes, which may be worn during the socials.
Every session, students are assigned to different clubs. Clubs are created with teachers supervising them, such as Drama, Music, JETS, Young Farmers, Skill Acquisition, Literary and Debating, Arts, and more. Club meetings are held weekly.
The highlight of the academic year is the Project Exhibition which holds once a year. In this, parents are invited to the school to see projects done by their wards. The students present their projects and prizes are awarded for the best projects. Parents are made to do the judgement themselves. Also, clubs such as the Music club, Literary Society and the popular Computer club, make presentations as well.
At the end of every academic year, all students (with the consent of their parents) go on a one-week summer excursion trip to a destination chosen by the school.The camping trip is aimed at being educative as well as recreational. Students visit different sites in the chosen city, such as companies, museums, zoos, historic and geographic sites, amusement parks, etc. Below are planned destinations for excursion trips for students from their JSS2 upto SS2 years.
JSS2 - Calabar, Cross-River State
JSS3 - West Africa
SS1 - South Africa
Excursions are also arranged for students to visit local sites in Nigeria