Admission into Ray Jacobs Secondary School is through an entrance examination conducted on merit for pupils who have completed their primary school education.
The school targets 60 as the maximum number of students it can admit per year. This small number of students, thirty in a class will ensure the instruction and control of students in the dormitories, classrooms, laboratories and workshops and will also promote a deeper one-on-one interaction of staff and students in the areas of academics, student life and general discipline.
For prospective students to Ray Jacobs Secondary School, application forms are available at the school and online on the school website. All applicants are required to take our entrance exam, and the best students are given admission. A waiting list is also maintained.
1. New students will submit on arrival the following items:
(a) Photocopy of Letter of Offer of Provisional Admission
(b) 2 File Jackets (To be bought from the School)
(c) 3 Passport Photographs
(d) 1 Photocopy of Birth Certificate
(e) Medical Certificate of Fitness
(f) 1 Ream of Original Duplicating Sheets
(g) Testimonial from Primary School
2. New students go to the bursary and present evidence of payment of necessary fees, which must include photocopy of Receipt of non-refundable Acceptance fee of N20,000 (twenty thousand naira) only, but which is part of the school fee.
Application forms are available at the school's administrative block and online under the Admissions tab.